Change Blog

Michael Timmermann

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All about change & transformation

Here you’ll find thought-provoking articles on topics such as change management, new work, digitalization, agile transformation, cultural change, leadership, personal development, and many more.


By Michael Timmermann, published on 10 July 2024

The team leader stood in dismay, pondering, "How do I approach this now?" The evident spread of change fatigue was palpable. The perpetual need to persuade the workforce makes it …

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Topics: Change

By Michael Timmermann, published on 10 July 2024

During an agile transformation in an organization, a leader made rounds to gauge how employees were adapting to the new work environment. Shockingly, in one team, the door was slammed …

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Topics: AgilityLeadershipLetting go

By Michael Timmermann, published on 10 July 2024

In an organization, a leader opposed any significant change and refused to take on a new role. His team aligned with him, perceiving any attempt at change as an attack …

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By Michael Timmermann, published on 13 June 2024

🎄 Inspired by Dickens' ghosts in "A Christmas Carol," I was prompted to ask three questions about change: 🔙 Past: What did I learn in my client work in 2023? …

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By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

In times of the Corona crisis, working in a home office became more and more popular. Many companies want to work more remotely in the long term. This poses challenges …

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By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

In the video we give you 5 good reasons why you should NOT work for us. And reasons why you might want to work for us. You can find more …

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Topics: Working for Timmermann

By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

What does Arminius, Prince of the Cherusci, have to do with change? And why is that important for you as a leader? It became clear to me when I saw …

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Topics: ChangeVideo

By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

"To help humanity change for the better" - sounds a bit big, right? But it's our purpose and even realistic. More about this in the video and here …

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Topics: ChangeVideo

By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

Who likes going to the office? Monday morning, the word office has a special horror for many. 🏛 This is not always because the place itself is so terrible, or …

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Topics: Video

By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022

"The discovery of a learning engine: appreciation and directness - how can you resolve this apparent contradiction? The answer in the video". You can find out more about corporate culture …

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Topics: ChangeVideo

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