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Our work with clients - three examples

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Corporate culture and strategy development

"Strategy implementation and corporate culture development are fundamentally different," you might think. But in this example, they go hand in hand.

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Mission statement development and implementation

Germany's largest property manager was facing a major, diffuse challenge. They could see that a large part of their business model might be about to ...

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New software roll-out, or focus on strategy and cultural development?

The client had tried several times to implement a company-wide ERP software to increase efficiency and effectiveness, which so far had not worked. ...

For examples of our successful client collaborations, here are reports on projects with Sigel and Zufall Logistik

Just some of our partners and clients

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Passion and dedication for executing strategies and fostering corporate culture

The challenge

The first call sounded something like this:

"The strategy has been established, but it hasn't gained momentum yet. Limited awareness among employees has resulted in uncertainty regarding its implications. The Executive Board is unaware of the BU heads' efforts to translate and implement the strategy with an entrepreneurial mindset."

To bring this financial services company's strategy to life, corporate culture development was essential. While some may see strategy implementation and corporate culture development as distinct, in this case, they are intertwined. The challenge was transforming a risk-averse group with many silos into a more innovative team.

Corporate development, in collaboration with the board and management consulting support, crafted a forward-thinking strategy to steer the company towards growth. With a focus on new business opportunities, innovative financing solutions, and expanded international reach, the Chairman of the Board recognized the need for a more holistic approach to bring the strategy to fruition:

  • The attitudes and behavior within the company did not align with the strategy, causing frustration for the board
  • The customer satisfaction survey highlighted areas for enhancement
  • Financing solutions were frequently limited to a single business area, lacking a market-oriented approach
  • The valuable ideas frequently went unnoticed due to implementation challenges, and errors were often swept under the rug.

The journey

Initially, the BU heads received support in crafting a BU strategy in collaboration with their managers, followed by the preparation of its implementation through change planning workshops. To ensure the strategy's widespread adoption, a focus on cultural development was essential. This began by introducing a leadership mission statement and "culture manifesto" during large group events. To make this relevant for every employee, a multiplier concept was utilized to facilitate nationwide "What does this mean for me" workshops.

Timmermann 360-degree feedback, supported by feedback training, institutionalized a more intensive feedback culture as a learning driver in the organization.

To ensure lasting change, we worked with HR to develop a personnel development strategy, including a comprehensive talent management concept, and put it into practice.

One highlight was the culture development workshops with the Executive Board. Since it is important in change processes to set constructive irritation impulses, our Managing Partner Michael Timmermann unceremoniously stood on the noble marble table to illustrate what an inspiring speech can also look like. An example to show what a "reeeally" unusual approach actually means. He also explained which elements such a speech should contain: only one message, a convincing and authentic leader who brings personal examples and an innovative element of surprise.

The results

Typical for culture development, which now takes 2-4 years: our clients were not quite so brave to climb onto marble tables at the beginning - it took some patience and continuity to shake up habits. But the patience more than paid off. For example, the drivers of culture development are almost unrecognizable.

"We couldn't have done any of this without you!"

That was the tenor of a telephone call after the management conference on corporate culture with 180 managers. The head of HR development had called us - and only to spend 30 minutes thanking us for our contribution to culture development ...

Mission statement development and implementation with OFCs in the driver's seat.

The challenge

Germany's largest property manager was facing a major, diffuse challenge. They saw coming that a large part of their business model was crumbling. But they didn't yet know exactly what their alternative should look like. They were technically capable, but there were many other problems.

A mission statement for the future existed, but it was as diffuse as the challenges. It was written as a multifaceted glossy brochure whose content was not lived.

After a top team training with the management and another workshop it was clear: we need a revision of the mission statement. We need to develop a clear strategy for the future. We need to implement both cleanly. And to do that, we need to significantly develop our culture.

4 topics were the focus for the mission statement implementation and culture development:

  • Develop leadership culture and governance so that in the future, leaders really spend time leading effectively rather than being operationally and technically bound
  • Making the entire organization more change-oriented to better deal with the difficult new challenges of the next years to decades. This included, for example, moving away from a pronounced fixation on process and rules
  • Making companies more focused on well-organized project work (and working only on the really important projects). More cross-silo working would become important to be able to respond more flexibly to customer needs
  • Become more customer-centric. Instead of remaining primarily in an administrative posture, customers should be advised on comprehensive real estate solutions. This meant first of all really understanding the customer, his business models and needs.

The journey

The management (GL) started with a top team development. We provided intensive support to help them grow together as a team. At the same time, we supported them in sharpening the content of the mission statement.

In the next step, we involved the rest of the senior management team in a participatory process. In a special atmosphere in nature, they further developed the mission statement together within the guidelines set by the management and developed into a team with the support of various methods. During three intensive days they built up a lot of closeness, trust and joint commitment to the change program. After this kick-off, we continued to work intensively with them on a regular basis on teamwork and leadership behavior at GL and in the upper management circle. An important success factor for successful change processes.

An extraordinary large group event with all managers then set the "starting signal" for the entire organization. At this event, we jointly created an atmosphere that allowed the target state of the journey to be intensively felt. For example, they actually experienced a joint "starting shot" for the journey, fired by a GL member after a "wiiireally" inspiring speech. The managers also worked on concrete content, e.g. on how to build better professional exchange and more trust in their teams.

Subsequently, work began in workstream teams and at the upper management level to carry the defined topics (see above) further into the organization. In joint teams of Timmermann consultants and so-called "workstream owners", we advanced cultural topics (e.g., feedback culture, dealing with errors, cross-functional cooperation) and technical topics (strategy, key account management, control system). For the past 2.5 years, we have been accompanying them on the journey for which they have given themselves a total of six years. Step by step, we are becoming less and less important to the success of the change process. Some core pieces of the program were:

  • Strategy development
  • Reorganization, among other things to contribute to a stronger customer orientation
  • Joint development and implementation of an individual key account management system
  • The training and support of change agents who set cultural impulses throughout the company and are involved in the development of measures
  • "What does the journey mean for me?" workshops with all employees
  • Change leader training program for middle management
  • Highly effective team development for key project and leadership teams
  • Joint development and implementation of a customized key account management system

The results

The results of this change process are already very good on several levels. At the end of the "kick-off" event with all the executives, part of the management team spontaneously danced on stage with us in exuberant joy. A much more trusting and open culture is noticeable throughout the senior management team, which is reflected, for example, in measurably increased efficiency.

Together, we have been able to activate a critical number of people throughout the organization who are now actually actively shaping the future. Although it holds some difficult challenges.

And there have also been clear successes on the business side. Particularly in the business model "consulting on overall real estate solutions," which will be especially important in the future, large new orders are coming in.

Or to put it in the words of one division manager:

„Seit die Timmermänner im Haus sind herrscht hier ein ganz anderer Wind. Ich sehe fröhliche Gesichter, klare Entscheidungen – und inzwischen auch mehrere neue Großaufträge, von denen wir vor einem Jahr nicht zu träumen gewagt hätten“

IT implementation or implementing strategy and developing culture?

The challenge

We joined forces with a management consultancy focused on control and quickly gained the trust of the clients from the "waste recycling" industry. Their words after the contract was awarded:

„"We wanted you because we feel you are a truly cohesive team. To get specialized knowledge on business management and performance improvement as well as effective change management from one source is very unusual and exactly what we need."

The client had already made several attempts to implement enterprise-wide ERP software to increase efficiency and effectiveness in the company, which had not worked so far. Therefore, the management board saw the need for urgency:

"We've already had two attempts at this project, and they clearly failed. We can't afford to do it again, otherwise I don't know how long we'll be around."

The reasons for the failure were the lack of competence of the implementation partners at the time, inadequate management attention, and difficulties in coordinating the process and optimization potential between the departments in terms of content and interpersonal relationships.

Even in the first discussions, it became clear that pure change support would not suffice for the technical implementation. Instead of growth at any price, the focus needed to be on excellence and profitability, and new ways of working within the company needed to be explored.

So we sat down at the round table with our client, talked openly about our observations, and together recognized what the actual mission should be:

The journey

At a first management conference, initial skepticism about unfamiliar methods turned into true openness, even enthusiasm. In partly experience-oriented formats, managers openly addressed their own mistakes. Discussions and reflections were no longer held hidden behind conference tables. And people's needs, concerns and hopes found just as much a place as strategic issues - in most cases, even the "what" was linked to the "how". The success proved us right, and one participant put it this way:

"This is really different and I believe that this time we can really make a difference"

Intensive coaching and top team development brought about the client's realization that the constellation in the leadership team was more of a "clay layer" for the company instead of orientation for the rest of the team. We achieved a clarification that was only possible for all involved through a thoroughly exhausting process, but in the end felt liberating and important for everyone involved.

The rest of the management team embarked on the journey in change leader trainings and improved leadership skills and tools. Gradually, a learning culture emerged and regular feedback, including constructive critical feedback, became more common. Learning and development no longer took place (with limited success) in special events, but in daily life. Making "good mistakes," conducting meetings efficiently, and preparing decisions cleanly were just some of the topics now discussed in hallways and coffee kitchens.

We developed formats and concepts together with the clients and thus promoted "help for self-help". Middle and upper management became much more involved in shaping the company, and the messages also reached the heads, but above all the hearts, of the employees in many personal conversations.

The results

Today, an expanded management team steers the company and supports its employees in discovering their own potential: "The most important thing for our success is the team" became the new motto and the basis for trusting teamwork.

Not all business challenges have been solved, but the strategic initiatives are proving successful and the company's economic situation is no longer threatening but stable, as evidenced, among other things, by a multiplication of profits. Clean prioritization of projects is having an effect, and transparency in roles and moderated coordination among subprojects are reducing efficiency and friction losses. In this way, we were able to gradually leave the big stage, in keeping with the words of the COO:

"Actually, I don't like consultants, but we couldn't have done this on our own without you guys"

Long live appreciative directness!