New Work - You've never seen a New Work office like this before
By Michael Timmermann, published on 30 November 2022
Who likes going to the office? Monday morning, the word office has a special horror for many.
🏛 This is not always because the place itself is so terrible, or bad things happen there - but we assign it a role that is not particularly nice: as a contrast to places with which we have a personal relationship: "Are you coming home?" "No, I still have to go to the office".
This is unfair to the office. For many, a considerable part of life takes place here; it is a place with its own culture, where quite a few also find meaning and fulfillment.
❤️ We Timmer people have always given names to the place where we meet to work. For example, "Villa Wandel," which was the nucleus of our former Timmermann Campus, and was gradually joined by Villa Wiiirklich and Villa Wunderbar. It was always easier and more casual to meet in a place with a real name and identity than in an anonymous "office".
Now that we've settled into our new space at Stuntzstraße 16 in Munich, lovingly designed according to our values and New Work principles, we had to come up with a fitting name for it.
😁 It had to sound nice, stand for itself, mean something in the context of us, fit the premises, and be more than just a proper name: it had to be fun to use. In doing so, we are also proud to retain our playful side, which so often helps us find new solutions and promote change.
🥁 Drum roll, tatatataaa: Welcome to "Timmerland."
Just drop by and find out what there is to discover in Timmerland. A taste below in the video with a guided tour through the Timmerland.
💡More about New Work Architecture & Design can be found here.