Change Blog

Lukas Bargel

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All about change & transformation

Here you’ll find thought-provoking articles on topics such as change management, new work, digitalization, agile transformation, cultural change, leadership, personal development, and many more.


By Lukas Bargel, published on 30 November 2022

Why agility makes sense for your business Have you ever wondered why this form of working is so successful at the moment? Find out here what the advantages of agile …

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Topics: Agility

By Lukas Bargel, published on 30 November 2022

Agile working is no longer a foreign word in the modern working world. But it is often not at all clear when and why agile working makes sense at all …

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By Lukas Bargel, published on 30 November 2022

People who used to hire cleaners can now use their own dusting robots at lower cost. People who used to have to wait on hold at the cab office can …

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By Lukas Bargel, published on 30 November 2022

Agile working is not always easy. "You have to change" is heard from various corners. But the fact that this may not always happen so quickly is quickly forgotten. With …

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Topics: Agility

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