Von Michael Timmermann, veröffentlicht am 06 August 2022
Hello, I'm the Nilpard. I represent Timmermann as a “heraldic animal”. My backside is that of a hippo, my front part is that of a cheetah. I stand for “transform stability”. With my agile front and my stable back, I combine two seemingly opposite characteristics. But I am steadfast and yet agile. This means that I am constantly evolving without being fragile or unstable. “Transform stability” is a state that we at Timmermann strive for every day, e.g. B. by being a learning community. We also help our clients to achieve this agile and at the same time stable state. The blue color symbolizes our structured way of thinking, while red represents our open hearts. This duality is also reflected in the “how” of our company: “With bright minds and open hearts”.
Von Michael Timmermann, veröffentlicht am 06 August 2022
5 gute Gründe, warum du NICHT bei uns arbeiten solltest nennen wir dir im Video. Und Gründe, warum du vielleicht bei uns arbeiten möchtest.
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Maile uns: hello@timmermannpartners.com
Besuche uns: Stuntzstraße 16, 81677 München